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Analysis and Assessment

Body Fat Analysis

estimates body fat using body fat caliper measurements, bioelectrical impedence and more. Body fat percentage is a good measure to set goals because it takes your muscle into account. Using height, weight and BMI alone can be frustrating, especially if you are a muscular build. Schedule an appointment today and our exercise physiologist will also help you figure out your ideal body weight based on a body fat percentage goal.

Fitness Assessment (initial

This analysis is required for entrance into adaptive fitness programs.  A fitness assessment is an exercise physiologist to assess the current level of fitness. Your initial fitness assessment includes three – one hour order to review your paperwork and exercise risks, complete your fitness testing and review your goals, and to provide an individualized exercise prescription based on your needs and goals as well as an orientation to the equipment you will need to use for your program.

Fitness Assessment (interim)

This secondary analysis is used to determine your progress towards your exercise goals and to adjust your exercise program as needed.